1994 - P. Brancher, J. M. Chomaz and P. Huerre. - Direct numerical simulations of round jets: vortex induction and side-jets - Physics of Fluids - 6(5):1768-1774 - Pre-print
1994 - J. M. Chomaz, M. Nicolas and E. Guazzelli. - Absolute and convective instabilities of fluidized beds - Physics of Fluids - 6(12):3936-3944 - Pre-print
1994 - O. Pouliquen, J. M. Chomaz and P. Huerre. - Propagating holmboe waves at the interface between two immiscible fluids - Journal of Fluid Mechanics - 266:277-302 - Pre-print
1994 - A. Sellier. - Asymptotic expansions of a class of integrals - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London - 445:693-710
1994 - A. Sellier. - Hadamard's finite part concept in dimension n>2, distributional definition, regularization forms and distributional derivatives - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London - 445:69-98
1994 - D. Wallace, L.G. Redekopp and P. Huerre. - Resonantly interacting modes in wake-shear layers - European Journal of Mechanics B/Fluids - 13:139-164 - Pre-print