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2003 - C. Baroud, F. Okkels, L. Menetrier and P. Tabeling. - Reaction-diffusion dynamics: Confrontation between theory and experiment in a microfluidic reactor - Physical Review E - 67 - 060104 (R) - Pre-print
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2003 - L. Brandt, C. Cossu, J. M. Chomaz, P. Huerre and D. S. Henningson. - On the convectively unstable nature of optimal streaks in boundary layers - Journal of Fluid Mechanics - 485:221-242 - Pre-print
2003 - J. M. Chomaz. - Fully nonlinear dynamics of parallel wakes - Journal of Fluid Mechanics - 495:57-75 - Pre-print
2003 - S. Caillaud, E. de Langre and F. Baj. - Active vibration control for the measurement of fluidelastic effects - ASME Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology - 125:165-170 - Pre-print
2003 - F. Gallaire and J. M. Chomaz. - Instability mechanisms in swirling flows - Physics of Fluids - 15(9):2622-2639 - Pre-print
2003 - F. Gallaire and J. M. Chomaz. - Three-dimensional instability of isolated vortices - Physics of Fluids - 15:2113-2126 - Pre-print
2003 - F. Gallaire and J. M. Chomaz. - Mode selection in swirling jets : a linear stability analysis - Journal of Fluid Mechanics - 494:223-253 - Pre-print
2003 - R. Godoy-Diana and J. M. Chomaz. - Effect of the Schmidt number on the diffusion of axisymmetric pancake vortices in a stratified fluid - Physics of Fluids - 15(4):1058-1064 - Pre-print
2003 - P. Hémon and F. Santi. - Applications of biorthogonal decompositions in fluid-structure interactions - Journal of Fluids and Structures - 17(8):1123-1143 - Pre-print
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2003 - E. Lauga and T. Bewley. - The decay of stabilizability with Reynolds number in models of spatially developing flows - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London - 459:2077-2095 - Pre-print
2003 - T. Loiseleux and J. M. Chomaz. - Breaking of rotational symmetry in a swirling jet experiment - Physics of Fluids - 15(2):511-523 - Pre-print
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