2014 - E. Antoine, P. P. Vlachos and M. N. Rylander. - Review of Collagen I Hydrogels for Bioengineered Tissue Microenvironments: Characterization of Mechanics, Structure, and Transport - Tissue Engineering Part B-Reviews - 20 - Issue 6:683-696 - Pre-print
2014 - P. Augier, P. Billant, M. E. Negretti and J. M. Chomaz. - Experimental study of stratified turbulence forced with columnar dipoles - Physics of Fluids - 26 - 046603 - Pre-print
2014 - A. Barbacci, J. Diener, P. Hémon, B. Adam, N. Donès, L. Reveret and B. Moulia. - A robust videogrametric method for the velocimetry of wind-induced motion in trees - Agricultural and Forest Meteorology - 184:220-229 - Pre-print
2014 - T. Barois, L. Tadrist, C. Quilliet and Y. Forterre. - How a curved elastic strip opens - Physical Review Letters - 113 (21) 214301 - Pre-print
2014 - A. Benusiglio, D. Quere and C. Clanet. - Explosions at the water surface - Journal of Fluid Mechanics - 752:123-139 - Pre-print
2014 - P. Billant, A. Deloncle, J. M. Chomaz and P. Otheguy. - Towards a theory for vortex filaments in stratifiedrotating fluids - Fluid Dynamics Research - 46 - 061424 - Pre-print
2014 - F. Bozsak, J. M. Chomaz and A. Barakat. - Modeling the transport of drugs eluted from stents: physical phenomena driving drug distribution in the arterial wall - Biomechanics and Modeling In Mechanobiology - 13:327-347 - Pre-print
2014 - J. M. Chomaz. - Science and Art of SculpturingFluids - Leonardo - 47:66-67 - Pre-print
2014 - C. Cohen, B. Darbois-Texier, G. Dupeux, E. Brunel, D. Quere and C. Clanet. - The aerodynamic wall - Proceedings of the Royal Society A - 470 - issue 2161 - 20130497 - Pre-print
2014 - B. Darbois-Texier, C. Cohen, G. Dupeux, D. Quere and C. Clanet. - On the size of sports fields - New journal of Physics - 16 - 033039 - Pre-print
2014 - G. Dupeux, P. Bourrianne, Q. Magdelaine, C. Clanet and D. Quere. - Propulsion on a superhydrophobic ratchet - Scientific Reports - 4 - 5280 - Pre-print
2014 - D. Faranda, V. Lucarini, P. Manneville and J. Wouters. - On using extreme values to detect global stability thresholds in multi-stable systems: The case of transitional plane Couette flow - Chaos, Solitons & Fractals - 64:26-35 - Pre-print
2014 - D. Foures, C. P. Caulfield and P. J. Schmid. - Optimal mixing in two-dimensional plane Poiseuille flow at finite Péclet number - Journal of Fluid Mechanics - 748:241-277 - Pre-print
2014 - D. Foures, N. Dovetta, D. Sipp and P. J. Schmid. - A data-assimilation method for Reynolds-averaged NavierStokes-driven mean flow reconstruction - Journal of Fluid Mechanics - 759:404-431 - Pre-print
2014 - F. Gallaire, P. Meliga, P. Laure and C. Baroud. - Marangoni induced force on a drop in a Hele Shaw cell - Physics of Fluids - 26 - 062105 - Pre-print
2014 - A. Le Goff, D. Quere and C. Clanet. - Shooting in a foam - Soft Matter - 10:6696-6704 - Pre-print
2014 - C. Grouthier, S. Michelin, R. Bourguet, Y. Modarres-Sadeghi and E. de Langre. - On the efficiency of energy harvesting using vortex-induced vibrations of cables - Journal of Fluids and Structures - 49:427-440 - Pre-print
2014 - Y. Hwang, S. Kumar and A. Barakat. - Intracellular regulation of cell signaling cascades: how location makes a difference - Journal of Mathematical Biology - 69:213-242 - Pre-print
2014 - Z. Izri, M. N. Van der Lindern, S. Michelin and O. Dauchot. - Self-propulsion of pure water droplets by spontaneous Marangoni stress driven motion - Physical Review Letters - 113 - 248302 - Pre-print
2014 - F. Juillet, B.J. McKeon and P. J. Schmid. - Experimental control of natural perturbations in channel flow - Journal of Fluid Mechanics - 752:296-309 - Pre-print
2014 - S. Jung, C. Clanet and J. Bush. - Capillary instability on an elastic helix - Soft Matter - 10:3225-3228 - Pre-print
2014 - L. Lopez, C. Eloy, S. Michelin and E. de Langre. - Drag reduction from bending to pruning - Europhysics Letters - 108:4800-0 - Pre-print
2014 - C. Der Loughian, L. Tadrist, J. M. Allain, J. Diener, B. Moulia and E. de Langre. - Measuring local and global vibration modes in model plants - Comptes-Rendus Mécanique - 342:1-7 - Pre-print
2014 - M. Mathur, S. Ortiz, T. Dubos and J. M. Chomaz. - Effects of an axial flow on the centrifugal, elliptic and hyperbolic instabilities in Stuart vortices - Journal of Fluid Mechanics - 758:565-585 - Pre-print
2014 - S. Michelin and E. Lauga. - Phoretic self-propulsion at finite Péclet numbers - Journal of Fluid Mechanics - 747:572-604 - Pre-print
2014 - M. A. Fosas de Pando, P. J. Schmid and D. Sipp. - A global analysis of tonal noise in flows around aerofoils - Journal of Fluid Mechanics - 754:5-38 - Pre-print
2014 - J. Rolland. - Turbulent spot growth in plane Couette flow: statistical study and formation of spanwise vorticity - Fluid Dynamics Research - 46 - 015512 - Pre-print
2014 - A. Sauret, A. D. Bick, C. Duprat and H. A. Stone. - Wetting of crossed fibers: multiple steady states and symmetry breaking - EPL - Europhysics Letters - 105 - 56006 - Pre-print
2014 - M. R. Jovanovic, P. J. Schmid and J. Nichols. - Sparsity-promoting dynamic mode decomposition - Physics of Fluids - 26 - 024103 - Pre-print
2014 - T. Sayadi, P. J. Schmid, J. Nichols and P. Moin. - Reduced-order representation of near-wall structures in the late transitional boundary layer - Journal of Fluid Mechanics - 748:278-301 - Pre-print
2014 - A. Sellier, S.H. Aydin and M. Tezer-Sezgin. - Free-Space Fundamental Solution of a 2D Steady Slow Viscous MHD Flow - Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences - 102 - Issue 5:393-406 - Pre-print
2014 - N. Fabbiane, O. Semeraro, S. Bagheri and D. S. Henningson. - Adaptive and Model-Based Control Theory Applied to Convectively Unstable Flows - Applied Mechanic Review - 66 Issue 6 - 060801 - Pre-print
2014 - M. Shimizu, P. Manneville, Y. Duguet and G. Kawahara. - Splitting of a turbulent puff in pipe flow - Fluid Dynamics Research - 46 - 061403 - Pre-print
2014 - D. Soto, A. Borel de Larivière, X. Boutillon, C. Clanet and D. Quere. - The force of impacting rain - Soft Matter - 10:4929-4934 - Pre-print
2014 - J. J. J. Soundar and J. M. Chomaz. - Extended Squire's transformation and its consequences for transient growth in a confined shear flow - Journal of Fluid Mechanics - 744:430-456 - Pre-print
2014 - L. Tadrist, M. Saudreau and E. de Langre. - Wind and gravity mechanical effects on leaf inclination angles - Journal of Theoretical Biology - 341:9-16 - Pre-print
2014 - R. Vesipa, C. Camporeale, L. Ridolfi and J. M. Chomaz. - On the convective-absolute nature of river bedform instabilities - Physics of Fluids - 26 - 124104 - Pre-print
2014 - A. Yamada, S. Lee, P. Bassereau and C. Baroud. - Trapping and release of giant unilamellar vesicles in microfluidic wells - Soft Matter - 10 -32:5851-6110 - Pre-print
2014 - C. Zimmer, Y. X. Liu, J. T. Morgan, K-H. Wang, I. M. Kennedy, A. Barakat and G-Y. Liu. - New Approach to Investigate the Cytotoxicity of Nanomaterials Using Single Cell Mechanics - Journal of Physical Chemistry B - 118 - 5:1246-1255 - Pre-print