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2015 - P. Augier, P. Billant and J. M. Chomaz. - Stratified turbulence forced with columnar dipoles: numerical study - Journal of Fluid Mechanics - 769:403-443 - Pre-print
2015 - A. Benusiglio, F. Chevy, E. Raphael and C. Clanet. - Wave drag on a submerged sphere - Physics of Fluids - 27 - 072101 - Pre-print
2015 - M. Blanchard, T. Schuller, D. Sipp and P. J. Schmid. - Response analysis of a laminar premixed M-flame to flow perturbations using a linearized compressible Navier-Stokes solver - Physics of Fluids - 27 - 043602 - Pre-print
2015 - F. Bozsak, D. Gonzalez-Rodriguez, Z. Sternberger, J. M. Chomaz and A. Barakat. - Optimization of Drug Delivery by Drug-Eluting Stents - Plos One - 10 - e0130182 - Pre-print
2015 - C. Clanet. - Sports ballistics - Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics - 47 - 455-78 - Pre-print
2015 - C. Cohen, B. Darbois-Texier, D. Quere and C. Clanet. - The physics of badminton - New journal of Physics - 17 - 063001 - Pre-print
2015 - C. Cohen, T. Mouterde, D. Quere and C. Clanet. - Capillary muscle - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences - 112:6301-6306 - Pre-print
2015 - C. Cohen, B. Darbois-Texier, G. Laffaye, L. Auvray and C. Clanet. - Weightlifting and the actomyosin cycle - Proceedings of the Royal Society A - 471 - 20150473 - Pre-print
2015 - E. de Langre and O. Doaré. - Edge flutter of long beams under follower loads - Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures - 10:283-197 - Pre-print
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2015 - A. Funfak, C. Fisch, H. T. Abdel Motaal, J. Diener, L. Combettes, C. Baroud and P. Dupuis-Williams. - Paramecium swimming and ciliary beating patterns: a study on four RNA interference mutations - Integrative Biology - 7 (1):90-100 - Pre-print
2015 - A. Gauthier, S. Symon, C. Clanet and D. Quere. - Water impacting on superhydrophobic macrotextures - Nature Communications - 6 - 8001 - Pre-print
2015 - D. Gonzalez-Rodriguez, S. Sart, A. Babataheri, D. Tareste, A. Barakat, C. Clanet and J. Husson. - Elastocapillary Instability in Mitochondrial Fission - Physical Review Letters - 115 - 088102 - Pre-print
2015 - D. Gonzalez-Rodriguez and A. Barakat. - Dynamics of Receptor-Mediated Nanoparticle Internalization into Endothelial Cells - Plos One - e0122097 - Pre-print
2015 - M. Guemas, A. Sellier and F. Pigeonneau. - Slow viscous gravity-driven interaction between a bubble and a free surface with unequal surface tensions - Physics of Fluids - 27 - 043102 - Pre-print
2015 - C. Guermonprez, S. Michelin and C. Baroud. - Flow distribution in parallel microfluidic networks and its effect on concentration gradients - Biomicrofluidics - 9 - 054119 - Pre-print
2015 - P. Hémon. - Processing of dynamic wind pressure loads for temporal simulations - Wind and Structures - 21 - 4:425-442 - Pre-print
2015 - B. Hogan, A. Babataheri, Y. Hwang, A. Barakat and J. Husson. - Characterizing Cell Adhesion by Using Micropipette Aspiration - Biophysical Journal - 109:209-219 - Pre-print
2015 - T. D. Montenegro Johnson, S. Michelin and E. Lauga. - A regularised singularity approach to phoretic problems - The European Physical Journal E - 38 - 139 - Pre-print
2015 - R. V. K. Chakravarthy, L. Lesshafft and P. Huerre. - Local linear stability of laminar axisymmetric plumes - Journal of Fluid Mechanics - 780:344-369 - Pre-print
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2015 - L. Lopez, E. de Langre and S. Michelin. - A space-averaged model of branched structures - Computers and Structures - 146:12-19 - Pre-print
2015 - C. Lv, C. Clanet and D. Quere. - Retraction of large liquid strips - Journal of Fluid Mechanics - 778 - R6 - Pre-print
2015 - P. Manneville. - On the transition to turbulence of wall-bounded flows in general, and plane Couette flow in particular - European Journal of Mechanics B/Fluids - 49:345-362 - Pre-print
2015 - G. Meneghello, P. J. Schmid and P. Huerre. - Receptivity and sensitivity of the leading-edge boundary layer of a swept wing - Journal of Fluid Mechanics - 775 R1 - Pre-print
2015 - S. Michelin, T. D. Montenegro Johnson, G. De Canio, N. Lobato-Dauzier and E. Lauga. - Geometric pumping in autophoretic channels - Soft Matter - 11:5804-5811 - Pre-print
2015 - S. Michelin and E. Lauga. - A reciprocal theorem for boundary-driven channel flow - Physics of Fluids - 27 - 111701 - Pre-print
2015 - S. Michelin and E. Lauga. - Autophoretic locomotion from geometric asymmetry - The European Physical Journal E - 38 - 7 - Pre-print
2015 - S. Ortiz, C. Donnadieu and J. M. Chomaz. - Three-dimensional instabilities and optimal perturbations of a counter-rotating vortex pair in stratified flows - Physics of Fluids - 27 - 106603 - Pre-print
2015 - P. Otheguy, J. M. Chomaz, P. Augier, Y. Kimura and P. Billant. - Pairing of two vertical columnar vortices in a stratified fluid - European Journal of Mechanics B/Fluids - 49:413-425 - Pre-print
2015 - M. Phomsoupha, G. Laffaye, C. Cohen and C. Clanet. - How to use the Elasticity of a Badminton Racket to increase its Speed by 80% - Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering - 18:2028-2029 - Pre-print
2015 - M. Piñeirua, O. Doaré and S. Michelin. - Influence and optimization of the electrodes position in a piezoelectric energy harvesting flag - Journal of Sound and Vibration - 346:200-215 - Pre-print
2015 - P. Raux, G. Dupeux, C. Clanet and D. Quere. - Successive instabilities of confined Leidenfrost puddles - EPL - Europhysics Letters - 112 - 26002 - Pre-print
2015 - J. Rolland. - Mechanical and statistical study of the laminar hole formation in transitional plane Couette flow - European Physical Journal B - 88 - Issue 3:66-66 - Pre-print
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2015 - E. Spruijt, E. Le Guludec, C. Lix, M. Wagner and D. Quere. - Liquid filmification from menisci - EPL - Europhysics Letters - 112 - 26002 - Pre-print
2015 - L. Tadrist, K. Julio, M. Saudreau and E. de Langre. - Leaf flutter by torsional galloping: Experiments and model - Journal of Fluids and Structures - 56:1-10 - Pre-print
2015 - B. Theckes, X. Boutillon and E. de Langre. - On the efficiency and robustness of damping by branching - Journal of Sound and Vibration - 357:35-50 - Pre-print
2015 - E. Virot and A. Ponomarenko. - Popcorn: critical temperature, jump and sound - Journal of the Royal Society Interface - 12 - 20141247 - Pre-print
2015 - Y. Xia and S. Michelin. - Fluid-solid-electric lock-in of energy harvesting piezoelectric flags - Physical Review Applied - 3 - 014009 - Pre-print
2015 - E. Yariv and S. Michelin. - Phoretic self-propulsion at large Péclet numbers - Journal of Fluid Mechanics - 768 - R1 - Pre-print
2015 - E. Yim and P. Billant. - On the mechanism of the Gent-McWilliams instability of a columnar vortex in stratifies rotating fluids - Journal of Fluid Mechanics - 780:5-44 - Pre-print
2015 - L. Zhang, J. Albon, H. Jones, C. Gouget, C. R. Ethier, J. C. Goh and M. J. Girard. - Collagen microstructural factors influencing optic nerve head biomechanics - Investigative Opthalmology & Visual Science - 3:2031-2042 - Pre-print